Giulia Cartasegna (Violin) | Marco Muntoni (Vocal) | Roberto Diana (Weissenborn)
The concept

The release
he cd has some original tracks and other that are from Sadinian tradition. This last tracks are totally revisited and turned upside-down with the intent to take the listener in a magic roaming into the Sardinian culture.
The most known tradition tracks are: Su Bolu e S’Astore, Nanna Corsa e No Potho Reposare.
And one of the original is “Lu Tempu”. The words are taken from a poem of Don Gavino Pes. Lu Tempu wants the listener to reflect on life and past time.
“Ventu chi Veni e Ciocchi” tells about the horrible fire that devastated an area of Tempio Pausania in 1983. Every year this song is played during the commemoration of the victims.
Ispiriendi is a wave of emotions. This project is made possible thanks to the beautiful voice of Marco Muntoni, voice of the Coro Gabriel (Tempio’s traditional choir). Which voice is naturally melodical and clearly traditional. And thanks to the guitars of the awards-winning Roberto Diana, musical explorer, that guarantee the fusion between past and present. All the work is adorned by the classical violin of Giulia Cartasegna.
Nanna Corsa (Trad. Revisited)
A sweet and mysterious lullaby, sung in Sardinian Gallurese language. From a father to his son. The day turns into night, the stars are rising and the baby is rocked by his father’s voice into his mother’s arms. From the mountain the father wish to his son a good and peaceful night.
Dal dolce canto delle “Ninne Nanne” alla particolare interpretazione del “Miserere”: atto penitenziale che introduce al mistero della Passione, eseguito sopratutto dai cori durante i riti Quaresimali; dalla tragedia degli incendi alla struggente passione ed amarezza dell’innamorato per il distacco dell’amata.
Degno di nota “ Su Bolu e S’astore”, omaggio al grande “Maestro del Folklore” Tonino Puddu.
Gli assoli dei talentuosi musicisti, “Polistrumentisti” di fama internazionale, Roberto Diana e Giulia Cartasegna, traendo ispirazione dalle sonorità e dai luoghi della nostra terra, la accarezzano nei suoi incomparabili panorami rievocando: la bellezza dei tramonti, lo spumeggiare delle onde, per poi passare a richiami di altri colori e suoni etnici.
Marco Muntoni nasce a Tempio, cresce in una famiglia di appassionati di “Cantidu a Chiterra” e grazie a suo padre Mimmia, conosciuto e stimato “Cantadore”, respira e sviluppa sin da piccolo la passione per il canto. S’innamora anche del “Canto Corale Gallurese”.
Da anni fa parte come solista dell’ “Associazione Culturale Coro Gabriel”. L’emissione vocale di Marco è naturale, melodiosa e non necessita di sforzi né si discosta dall’espressione parlata. I melismi insiti nella sua voce, gli consentono di trasmettere con naturalezza: gioia e dolore, amore e passione, nostalgie del passato (come nella bellissima poesia di “Lu Tempu” di Don Gavino Pes) che toccano il cuore nel profondo.
“ISPIRIENDI” è un progetto discografico misto di luci e delicate sfumature di colori, originate da effetti musicali e vocali che accarezzano l’anima e segna per Marco l’inizio di un percorso che avrà sicuramente, il meritato successo.

Roberto Diana
Weissenborn, Lap Steel, Guitars and Production.
Award winning Sardinian electro-acoustic stringed multi-instrumentalist songwriter, composer and performer, three time nominated at the Independent Music Awards (12th best instrumental album and 15th best Instrumental EP, 17th best Instrumental Song), Silver Medal Winner at Global Music Awards and Recording Academy Voting Member at Grammy Awards.
Roberto performs on a variety of instruments including Acoustic and electric Guitars, Weissenborn, Vichitra Veena, baritone 8 strings guitars, dobro, banjo and bouzouki.
Marco Muntoni
Marco is born in Tempio Pausania. Thanks to his father, Mimmia (a well known “Cantadore”) he develops his love for the singing. He starts to sing when he was a child. At the age of 20 he joined the dance folk group “Villa Templi”. At the age of 30 he joined the Gavino Gabriel academy, where he learned how to sing “a Taja” (the traditional Gallurese way of singing). Now he is one of the most highly appreciated choir singer of the Island. He won several awards such as: “premio Mario Cervo”, “Premio Capanaccio d’oro sezione Canti Corali”, “Premio Canti Tradizionali Città di Verona”, etc.
Giulia Cartasegna
Violin, Viola, Benas and creative noises.
She comes from the classic training, studied with M° Maurizio Cadossi. She a young and talented violin player. In love with the Sadinian culture and opened to different music genre, she has collaborated with Roberto Diana on different project, playing violin, tampura, swarmandal, percussions, maldolin and benas.
She toured with Roberto in Uk and USA. In 2017 she was on a long tour in the Hebrides with the singer songwriter Donald McNeil and his daughter Jen.
Now she collaborates with different classical ensemble.
On Ispiriendi Giulia plays violin, viola, percussions and benas.